After I read this, my relationship with my children has improved

Tiago o Mayavangua Jr
2 min readOct 4, 2020
Photo by Shawnee D on Unsplash
  • If your child lies frequently, it is because you have been very aggressive or violent when he makes a mistake, and are afraid to tell the truth so as not to get caught or punished.
    *If your child is not taught that making a mistake is human and especially at his/her age, forget that you have a child. If you as an adult make a mistake, how do you expect perfection from his side?
    *If your children have low self-esteem, it’s because you only scold them and don’t encourage them.
    You send them to study, not to study with them. You tell them to do A-B, and if they make mistakes they are humiliated and treated like donkeys instead of being encouraged by their courage to do something that even though they don’t understand, they try.
    *If your children can’t do anything on their own initiative, it’s because you never gave them the opportunity to be responsible for what they do. It’s always your way, you don’t know how to do it, wait when I arrive.
    *If your children move or take things that don’t belong to them, sometimes it’s because you don’t give them the right to have what they want or deserve.
    When they steal money and go to buy candy, roller skates, go to play station, buy a cell phone, no matter how much you punish them for stealing, know that at their age, candy is a necessity. If you don’t have money for it, tell him that next month I’ll buy his candies, or his skates.
    *If your children are soft and lazy it’s because they’ve had a lot of intervention (help) from you. Do you think you’ll be a father or mother forever, and you’ll always be present in street fights, cab pushes, inside the wedding, etc?
    *If your children don’t respect the feelings of others, it’s because instead of talking to them you have been giving them orders and instructions.
    *If your children get angry easily, it’s because they have more attention when they make a mistake, and little attention and affection when they do something good.
    *If your children have an answer for everything it is because they have seen you do the same, and they think it is the right one.



Tiago o Mayavangua Jr

O pior não é quando possuimos muito ou pouco dinheiro, mas sim quando o dinheiro nos possui.